Electrical engineering and computer engineering have much in common. Computer engineering grew out of electrical engineering and is, in fact, a sub-discipline of it. The two disciplines share many fundamentals, including computer programming, electronic circuits, digital design, and robotics.
Apart from each other, they stand proudly on their own. Electrical engineers are experts in the transmission, conversion, and generation of electric energy and in communication and signal processing. Computer engineers are known as the hardware warriors —they design and build computers and components and bring computer science into the mix by developing and integrating the software that that makes them work.
Bring the two disciplines together and you unite the power behind the “brains,” opening up myriad ways in which to make the world a safer, healthier, cleaner, more efficient place in which to live. A whole new set of career opportunities opens up as well. It’s one degree with unlimited possibilities.
Students will be able to enroll in this exciting new program beginning with the Spring 2022 semester.
A Multidisciplinary Degree Whose Time Has Come
Because the degree pulls in multiple disciplines — electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, and cybersecurity (for those who choose that concentration) — you will be able to problem solve and pioneer, envision and invent beyond the boundaries that engineers in the past were limited to with their narrower focus.
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