Why get your master’s degree in microbiology?
With a master’s degree in microbiology, students are well prepared for a wide range of careers in science- and health-related fields. Graduates of the microbiology program at UNH have the knowledge, skills and experience for successful careers in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, academic and government research laboratories, and are ready for doctoral programs, medical school, and health-related professional programs.
Why choose UNH’s microbiology program?
The M.S. in microbiology combines a dynamic curriculum in a broad range of areas with interdisciplinary research opportunities at the frontiers of microbial genetics and genomics, host-microbe interactions and environmental microbiology. Research opportunities are available in many cutting-edge microbiology research areas, including host-microbe interactions, parasitology, and immunology; environmental microbiology; signal transduction pathways; molecular microbiology and biotechnology; genomics and bioinformatics; transcriptional and translational regulation; and microbial ecology and evolution. Distinctive features of the program include: emphasis on interdisciplinary research training, well-equipped research laboratories and core facilities on the UNH campus, laboratory rotations allowing students to become familiar with a wide range of research and laboratory management styles. Weekly graduate student seminar presentations, as well as a departmental seminar series of outside speakers, supporting a lively and engaged culture of shared research and discoveries. Opportunities to gain teaching experiences and earn money as a graduate teaching assistant.